To Whom We Write

To whom we write:

to the clarion whispers left unsaid
to the forsaken souls left unawares
to the lives left deadened and exploited
to every child whom we would never see

to let them feel the world’s embrace
the wonders of this intelligent design
that they must not be left

and exploited

that tomorrow shall yield another day
which that day marks the Emancipation
of everyone—of to whom we write.


Constantly Adrift


To and fro I stumble and go astray
Westward, leeward and wayward
Waiting for an opportune chance
Only to find myself adrift amid.

Pushed and pulled by outward forces,
Yet the inward preempts stature:
An entropy within an entropy
Adrift by the sea, adrift by the soul

Whence the waves come is a query
Whence the discordant din a mystery
The origin of tumult and disquietude
Is it within or without?